Community Workshop: Interested Services Management
Manage your Client’s Interested Services accurately on Agentcis
Explore more on how to map the interested services of your clients. Join our workshop to explore more on:
Add Interested Services of clients
You can add as many interested services as the client is interested in. It can be an education, visa, insurance or any other service.
This will help you to exactly understand your client requirements and then convert them into applications on following up with them.
Send a comparison of interested services
The clients might be interested in multiple services initially and would be confused with which one to finally go with.
You can keep on adding whatever they are interested in and then send them a comparison list on their email.
Filter the services as per the client’s requirements
You can choose a Service category and then apply different filters to exactly match to what the student is looking for.
The services can be filtered out by city, country, workflow or even the duration of the course.