Have you heard the phrase “Two heads are better than one”?
It implies that two people may be able to solve a problem, which an individual cannot. Whether you want to solve a problem or grow your student Study Abroad Center, you should explore opportunities to establish a meaningful business partnership with like-minded organizations.
As a Student Study Abroad Center, collaborating with education institutions and immigration departments can give you a head start among competitors. Search online for their official websites, which will give you substantial information about their business partnership programs, including how and where to apply.
Here are five reasons why such a business partnership is crucial for your student Study Abroad Center:
Business Partnership Boosts your global profile
These days, education institutions welcome agents and offer partnership programs. Many of these programs include training by their ‘international program’ departments, to gain knowledge of campus culture, academic programs, and the application process.
Collaborating with education institutions with a wide outreach will boost your student Study Abroad Center profile too. Many universities in Australia, the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and Canada have global appeal. Their outstanding campuses and courses attract students from all over the world.
This is not all one-sided though! Education institutions also need agents and agencies in different parts of the world to promote their courses. Qualified local agents have a better and deeper understanding of the cultures and markets they serve. A business partnership is a perfect fit for your student Study Abroad Center.
Help understand your strengths and weaknesses
Partners can help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your agency’s business. Sometimes it is difficult to gauge this on your own, especially when your business is not functioning optimally. Good business partners have the ability to inject enthusiasm as well as draw upon your partner’s strengths while working to reduce your weaknesses.
Education institutions and immigration departments are an integral part of the student Study Abroad Center industry. They possess a lot of information, knowledge, and experience that you may not have. Additionally, their processes are accurate and generally work well. A business partnership with them is a good way to learn and grow. It will also give you the confidence to drive your agency’s business further and do wonders.
Opportunity to provide pathway programs
Known as foundation courses in some countries, pathway programs help international students improve their written and spoken English skills prior to joining the university. Generally, agencies around the world host these programs for their university partners. However, learning a language and exposure is not the only pull. Your student Study Abroad Center must also be familiar with Intra-Regional Mobility factors affecting International Students.
Some pathway programs go even further by offering credits up to two years, where students can start degree programs in their own region. This helps international students to save on their course fees and improve their chances of acceptance into highly accredited universities, as well as visa approval.
According to Education Dive, pathway programs account for nearly USD 825 million worldwide and these numbers are growing, especially in the US, UK, and Australia. These programs also work as recruitment tools for agencies. You can do research on education institutions who offer such programs in your region and seek appropriate partnerships.
Authenticity and enhanced reputation
Look for Study Abroad Center, which bears incredible reputation among international students. They should be authentic and trustworthy, with a proven history of notable achievements. Alternatively, they will also look for the same qualities in you. An ideal business partnership will help enhance your existing reputation and garner more authenticity to your agency’s business.
As an education agent or counselor, you can get training and certification on various courses related to student recruitment. One such course is Education Agent Training Course (EATC). It is a free, online course that informs the agent about the Australian education system. You can be a Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEACs) and also be listed in the QEAC database.
Respond quicker to changing trends and markets
University partnerships can be more aware of changing trends in the market due to their global reach. At the same time, your local knowledge about the students and education market can help them tremendously. You will also be able to respond quickly and take first-mover advantage.
Immigration policies follow economic and political trends and are subject to regular changes. Sometimes, it is not possible to know the details all the time. In such scenarios, having reliable and experienced partners can help your student Study Abroad Center plan for such changes.
In countries like Australia, immigration departments have a wealth of information and even invite agencies to be part of their online services like ImmiAccounts, among others. Along with other similar services, these kinds of resources can help you stay ahead of the curve.
While you may be eager to establish such business partnerships quickly, it is wiser to do adequate research and take your time. Learn about your potential partners and the way they work. These days, websites can give you plenty of information. You also need to know whether their business partnership programs suit the objectives of your Study Abroad Center. Forming any kind of business partnership is a big decision to make for both parties, so avoid rushing into it.