
International Study Agency: How to select the best education counsellor?

There are many situations where an international study agency cannot retain clients. For instance, a student agent counselor tries persuading the student interested in marketing to study accounting. Subsequently, the student switches the international study agency. Student agent experience this a lot in the agencies. Many student agents consider it a normal phenomenon but it is not. The truth is the education counselor needs to work on dealing with clients.

Mostly, client turnover is common in an international study agency business and they may never take it seriously. One of the main reasons for that is the education counselors. They are the primary point that connects your international study agency business and your clients. If that is weak, your clients never reach to your service. The strong and flexible link between you and your clients retain them.

The best thing an international study agency can do is hire a qualified counselor. Student agent should recruit someone deserving and train them according to the work requirements. Similarly, knowing the right agents management platform and applying it makes the counselor proactive. Ensure that your education counselor is prepared beforehand and comes up with knowledge of an educational agents CRM tool.

We have compiled four requirements international study agency have to look into while hiring an education counselor.

Here you go!

Look for communication, social and interpersonal skills

Education counselor shows students on every side of the abroad studies. S/he must have the ability to explain ideas and show the option that aligns with their interest. Likewise, they are there to guide and assist the students. A student agent counselor must have the ability to tackle the client’s woes. Undoubtedly, S/he representing your student agent business with a smile does the magic rather than showing a grumpy face. One should find the counselor friendly and patient. Moreover, it gets easier for students to communicate with a friendly counselor. It is much easier to give all the details to them.

Qualification and educational experience matter

Student agent counselor builds the skills with training, experience, and qualification. Trained professionals with experience have a charismatic personality. As they learn and experience, they know the tricks to tackle all kind of complications. The international study agency training course makes their convictions and approach more effective. The qualified and trained education counselor having proper experience just makes him/her the ideal choice. Similarly, they must have AVETMISS knowledge that is the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard. It confirms the accuracy and consistency of vocational education and training information.

In spite of their qualification and experience, they must know their niche back to front. Study processes, visa processing, insurance and legal system are a few things that matter. Your student agent business counselor must know the particular country you are dealing with.

Language proficiency and presentation skills

The student agent counselor needs to interact with foreign institutes. You need to hire a counselor who can interact with your partners in their language. Communication with the other parties goes smoothly and gives you a significant advantage when you converse in their language. Besides, the gap and miscommunication decline to a great level.

However, language doesn’t add any advantage if your agency’s presentation skill is not appealing. The presentation of your company, courses and even of clients to the partners hike the success rate. Presentation skills of the education agents lead your company to the different height.

Proactive nature

Acting in advance and taking precaution for future events is what the student agent’s counselor has to do. You should accept the proactive attitude and stop responding to the situations after it occurs.

Moreover, your company can handle any hurdle through education counselor’s proactive nature. Make sure to hire the one who has an eye for details. Every tiny aspect is a clue for issues that might arise. Keeping yourself and your employees aware of it is necessary.

These four elements are the essence of an ideal education counselor. A perfect CV is not the only thing that counts. Now that you know, you can base employee selection on these elements for you as an international study agency.

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