A good website for abroad consultancies attracts potential clients. And more, it’s not even that hard to make.
Everything is getting digitized and so should your agency. The first step you can take to do this is to create your own website. Later, you can create social media sites to connect more easily with clients. Or more, you can use consultancy CRM tool to connect virtually with your team.
Each of you might have a lot of ideas in your head about how to go about designing your website. But, trust me, they’re not really all that different. Especially for study abroad consultancies, there are few basic things that its websites must have in order to drive traffic and generate leads. Read along to discover them.
Good web hosting and domain name
First thing’s first, decide on a domain name that best matches your agency. People are reluctant to click on websites that seem irrelevant. Say, would you open a website named hozpital4u. com when searching for Best Hospitals around the area? So, dig into your head well or check out some websites that help you to choose one.
Second up, get a good web hosting server. Good websites for abroad studies consultancy often run smooth and keep disturbances at bay. People aren’t going to be patient with ones that are slow. Similarly, 40% of people are likely to leave your website if it loads for more than 3 seconds. Thus, get yourself the best web hosting server that keeps up with your website requirements. Don’t forget to have a mobile site too since it can double your conversions.
Content is king
There are new study abroad consultancies opening up every other day. In order to stand out or be visible to your prospective clients, you need to add relevant content to your website. If they do not find what they’re seeking on the landing page itself, they’re going to look for other websites.
Once your page loads, users form an opinion in .05 seconds
So, I repeat: ADD RELEVANT CONTENT. Start with graphics that suit the service that you’re providing. Omit any typos too. Not cool.
To make your content relevant, make sure the following information is not missed:
- Countries your agency helps clients migrate to
- Basic Application Process
- Document and Budget Requirements
- Agent’s bio
- Third Party Validation
- Contact Information
- Legal information
To top it off, engage in Search Engine Optimization so that people can find you easily on the web.

Follow the Don’ts
Like I said earlier, a good website for study abroad consultancies isn’t a lot of hard work. You can keep it simple and informative to generate leads. But some study abroad consultancies underestimate simplicity and add a lot of nuisance on their websites. These include unnecessary graphics, background music and a lot of unrelated ads to name a few. It looks chaotic and that’s bad. So, make sure the following things do not show up on your website:
- Animated videos and Sounds
- Frequent pop-up windows
- Text over an image background
- Contrasting colors on text
- Typos
Remember that your website should be simple and standard that represents your abroad studies consultancy. Just, don’t miss out on the essential features that good website for study abroad consultancies should have and you’ll do good. Integrate with consultancy system as well to better your website.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to drop them below. Until next time!