
How can Agents Follow Compliance Rules on Agentcis?

Running an education business always comes with a lot of work. Besides internal business activities, almost all organizations must follow specific compliance rules. It is because many externalities affect the performance of a business.  Regarding business externalities, government laws, standards, and ethical policies are always the highest consideration. Following them will align the objective with the external factors of your business.

Obviously, legal compliance is mandatory so your education agency must follow all the requirements as stated by the law. It is indeed a daunting task to comply with the rules. So there must me a way that your business can easily follow compliance rules. Agentcis comes handy in this aspect of your business also. So today we will explain how your company follow compliance rules with Agentcis.

1. Conversation Record

Businesse have to maintain a record of conversations inorder to comply with various privacy laws. The Auatralian Privacy Principle is an example of such legislation. According to this law the client records have to be kept for 7 years from the time when persalized service  was given. Agentcis’ smart feature will automatically record the client conversation for 7 years. It also comes with an ample storage space of 50 GB. Having said that Agentcis doubles as a CRM software and a data storage portal for your education business.

Communicate with your clients and Follow Compliance Rules


2. Tracking Check-in Logs

Conversations during Office check-ins can be tracked under the Client’s profile at any time with Agentcis. This will help you find the specific client conversation at any time. Users can find the check-in log at the top right part of the page once they click the client’s profile.  Having the record of check-in activities can help the users to compile information on client journey.

3. Document Checklist

Amongst all features of Agentcis, document checklist is by far one of the most prominent one. It is because, this feature will  confirm the compilation of all documents. Doing this will also assure the workprocess compilance of your business. Agentcis believes in being the best CRM software by providing every thing users need in their education business. We all know how important is having all the documents for applying to an university or immigration. Thats why the document checklist feature will make sure that your counselers will never miss any document while applying.

This feature is also totally customizable. To create their own document checklist the following steps can be followed:

  • users have to first click on settings.
  • Click on Workflow after a menu appears on the left.
  • After is select on document checklist
  • Add button appears on the top right, press on the Add button to create a document checklist


4. Create Workflow

To comply with all the rules set by the state and institutions there must be a set standard of business process. Agentcis will help you do so. Users with Admin access can create a workflow that will guide the staffs to perform clerical activities. With a concrete workflow staffs will understand what are the steps involved in their business. Let’s say if a user wants to apply for a course in an Australian university, the workflow will guide them about what steps to take.

Creating a workflow is like creating a document checklist. Users have to just select workflow in the setting menu.

Follow Compilance


So these were the some methods how Agentcis can help education agents follow compilance rules. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave a feedback in the comment section. We will always try to make your user experience good. If you want to experience the #1 CRM software built for education and migration agents click here.

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